Wednesday, June 23, 2010

No more Internet?

The beginning stages of cyber-warfare is here. A new bill is being discussed about the government gaining more control over the Internet. Senator Joe Lieberman proposes that protecting cyberspace is essential during a time of war. The bill would give the president the power to shut the Internet down in the event of an emergency. Along with granting the president complete powers over the Internet, the bill would also grant the department of homeland security more powers to monitor and police the web. Senator Lieberman said in a CNN interview, " Right now, China, the government, can disconnect parts of the Internet, in the case of war, we need to have that too". Now, I understand that the government should take precaution during emergencies and especially concerning war but this may be taking it a little too far. Bills that violate first amendment rights would probably do more harm than good. Should freedoms exercised in the United States be compared to those restricted in other countries?


  1. "In a time of war"??? Who is talking about the war on the internet anyway??? Only like 5%, right? Everyone else just talks about Lady Gaga and what they had for breakfast. BULLCORN!

  2. Fascinating, and alarming. So much for the First amendment.

    fight on, sister

  3. wow..that is just crazy...agreed with Dr. Clark, so much for the 1st amendment..sheesh

  4. DISLIKE!!!!!!!

    We would loose so much knowledge when I feel like we need it the most. I would prefer for my government not have control over the information I receive or where I receive it. I wonder how you would shut it down for cell phone? Cause if the internet is turned off there does your phone work at all?

  5. In a time of war? Here, in the US, or the ones currently being fought in the Middle East? Let's just have censorship while we're at it...all Lieberman is doing is thumbing his nose at our First Amendment right to free speech. Isn't that what makes us different from, say, communist countries or those in the Middle East? that we can say pretty much what we want and not get punished for doing so.

  6. I think the net is the one of our last ways to find legitimate info. on news going on everyday. It would be horrible for the gov. to attempt to control one of the few ways we keep in touch with the rest of the world.

  7. Wow, what next! There going to start microchipping our brains!!

  8. Sounds a little Big Brotherish!
